Google Ramayana

Client: Google
Agency: Ogilvy Singapore

How Google Chrome got ahead of speed in Asia.
For a long time, “Chrome = Speed” is the ruling equation in people’s minds. So when Google wanted to launch Chrome in Indonesia, our aim was to tell the rest of Chrome’s story – that it’s capable of more than speed.It’s also powerful in security and stability.

To do that, we used Ramayana, an ancient tale that resonates with Asian hearts. by re-telling the traditional story of Ramayana through a real-time interactive experience. we let users understand how Chrome is way more than the traditional browsers they’re familiar with.

Written thousands of years ago, Ramayana is a magical tale that has been told through various forms across Asia – from shadow and water puppets to traditional dance performances.

By incorporating web technology like WebGL and HTML5 to re-tell Ramayana, we set the stage for Chrome to show off its processing prowess. The interactive story also involved Chrome features and Google services like Chat, Products, Maps and Weather.

Through this Chrome Experiment, users are able to experience and appreciate Chrome’s full story – that yes, it’s fast but it’s also powerful in security and stability.

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